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Classic Review: Killers - ...Fils de la haine
...Fils de la haine

Label: Brennus Music
Year released: 1985
Duration: 39:07
Tracks: 11
Genre: Heavy Metal


Review online: May 21, 2002
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
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Rated 4.67/5 (93.33%) (24 Votes)

The short form of this review would be that this is one of the best heavy metal albums I've ever heard. OK, that's too short so here's the long form. Killers is a French heavy metal band (not to be confused with Paul Di'Anno's Killers) that started in the early 80s and is still active today. There are two things that distinguish this band: First, they sing in French. I'm French-Canadian but have never been a fan of rock and metal sung in French, which I always thought more suited for softer music. Well, Killers are the exception, managing to match the "language of love" with heavy/thrash metal. Secondly, how could I put this... Their music simply kills (no pun intended.) As far as I know, the band has not achieved international recognition and it's a damn shame. Such great material should be heard and owned by just about every fan of heavy metal and thrash.

The album opens on two thrashing headbangers, "Le fils de la haine" and "Sacrifice". After just those two, I was sold. Very solid material, heavy and fast guitars and great drums (that goes for pretty much the whole album.) The next song, "Rosalind" is partly a ballad and the most relaxing moment on the whole album. Back to heavy thrashing with "Pense à ton suicide" which I'd skip if I happened to be feeling suicidal. ;)

"Au nom du rock 'n' roll" is next, this one is a metalized version of your classic hymn to rock 'n' roll, quite melodic yet hard rocking, complete with rebellious attitude/feelings and what have you. "Killers" is next and is quite the attention grabber, opening on the hymn to the dead, then continuing on a mid-paced beat and with vocals on a lower pitch that the rest of the album, this alternating with the more high pitched vocals and thrashier feel present in the other songs. This is one of the best songs on the album. "Mercenaire" is next, probably my least favourite on the album but still very good stuff.

"Le magicien d'Oz" is an excellent instrumental song with a couple of very catchy guitar solos and powerful drumming. I headbang like a maniac every time I hear this song. After an hymn to rock 'n' roll, why not an hymn to heavy metal in the very aptly named "Heavy Metal", dedicated to this great music. I could see this one played live with the whole crowd singing along. It sounds more like a real hymn to heavy metal than an hymn to the band's ego, unlike the so-called metal hymns by some well-known American band that I prefer not to name here. ;) The last real song on the album is "Chevaliers du déshonneur", also one of the best songs on the album and a very good (unofficial) album closer. This one is more heavy metal than thrash, unlike most of the songs that often head in a thrashier direction. Finally, the 22 seconds-long closing track seems to be the guys partying or something, I'm not too sure what the hell is going on there! :)

This album was released in 1985 and kicks more ass and is more metal than a lot of albums being released today. But it doesn't need that kind of comparison as it stands very well by itself, and despite having been released 17 years ago, it has that non-aging sound that makes it still sound fresh today, just as a classic should be. More than highly recommended.

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