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Review: Vhaldemar - Old King's Visions
Old King's Visions

Label: Fighter Records
Year released: 2017
Duration: 17:03
Tracks: 5
Genre: Power Metal


Review online: September 10, 2017
Reviewed by: MetalMike
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.6/5 (72%) (5 Votes)

Spain's Vhäldemar is a Power Metal band I've somehow never checked out until this, their 2017 EP Old King's Visions. I obviously can't speak for prior releases but his one has a distinct German Power Metal sound with gruff vocals and big choruses, a great guitar sound that jumps right in to your living room and a whole lot of attitude. The keyboard player succeeds in NOT knocking off any of the rough edges. The songs move along courtesy of copious double-kick drums and it feels like you get to the closing cover of Helloween's "Gorgar" in less than the 13+ minute running time of the rest of the EP.

It might not be anything groundbreaking but the songwriting on Old King's Visions lifts it above the masses of crunchy Power Metal bands. Fans of old Grave Digger and Helloween will want to give it a listen or two.

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