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Review: Fear of Eternity - Spirit of Sorrow
Fear of Eternity
Spirit of Sorrow

Label: Moribund Records
Year released: 2006
Duration: 43:13
Tracks: 8
Genre: Black Metal


Review online: September 19, 2006
Reviewed by: Lars Christiansen
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Rated 4/5 (80%) (3 Votes)

This is quite an intriguing release actually, and pretty different to most symphonic black metal bands I've heard. However, the enigmatic Fear of Eternity's 2nd release is indeed very much a Symphonic black metal album, albeit one with a great emphasis on the Symphonic for the music, and the black for the raspy, dry vocals of the one and only band member, Andrea Tilenni.

The synth does on occasion go into the territories of say, Summoning, and is massively prominent over the drums, and indeed guitar work, which feature only as an afterthought it seems, layered deep in the background as rhythmic emphasis to each song. The strangely soothing keyboard work gives a huge sense of sorrow when coupled with the despairing scratchy vocals, summoning images of a inconsolable bereaved soul, screaming his grief into the nights sky over his lost love by a waters edge (which is strangely, very similar what the cover seemingly depicts too!). Spellbinding tracks such as 'A Torrent in my Veins' really manage to conjure breathtaking soundscapes for meditating to, enveloping you into a mystical fog which tightens around you like a boa constrictor, holding you captive for the album's entirety, leaving you breathless.

Andrea Tilenni has really managed to capture that Burzum-esque melancholy, which recalls the early 90's black metal scene zeitgeist, whilst still sounding fresh and innovative at the same time. Definitely one to check out for those black metallers out there who aren't put off by the sound of a keyboard swathing their music.

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