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Review: Bullet Ride/Evil-Minded - Alutiae #2 - Gravibus Triturabis
Bullet Ride
Alutiae #2 - Gravibus Triturabis

Label: M.U.S.I.C. Records
Year released: 2023
Duration: 17:47
Tracks: 4
Genre: Heavy/Thrash


Review online: January 6, 2024
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.2/5 (64%) (5 Votes)

This is a sweet little split with two French bands playing melodic thrash-tinged heavy metal. Bullet Ride sports a female vocalist with good chops delivering catchy singalong-inducing vocal lines. It's not groundbreaking heavy metal by any stretch of the imagination, but it's pretty cool overall, rooted more in modern power metal than old-school heavy metal for a change. Evil-Minded have a male vocalist who doesn't sing quite as high, more toned down I guess, but his style is just as catchy. The band's two songs here are a bit darker and they borrow a bit more from the old school, while still having a post-2000 style of heavy metal. I got a good kick out of the solos here. This split is not essential per se, but it does showcase two bands that have something worth digging into in their respective discographies.

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