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Review: Babylon Mystery Orchestra - The Great Apostasy: A Conspiracy of Satanic Christianity
Babylon Mystery Orchestra
The Great Apostasy: A Conspiracy of Satanic Christianity

Label: Independent
Year released: 2006
Duration: 58:09
Tracks: 11
Genre: Melodic Heavy Metal


Review online: October 9, 2006
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.57/5 (71.43%) (7 Votes)

Third album from one-man band Babylon Mystery Orchestra, and the first thing I noticed is that things are once again getting more mellow. The second album had dropped the "rocking" a couple of notches, and this one continues in the same vein. Other than that, no surprises, and most of what I said for the first two albums remains true here. The material still shines by the lyrical content more than by the music. Controversial Christian-related themes are still the name of the game, and once again these are very well thought out. The vocals are still of the same style as on the first two albums - clean, solemn, almost monotone and that's one of the things I like the most about BMO - the vocalist wouldn't win any prize, but the vocal style fits the music and the lyrical content like a glove. As I stated previously, the music is more mellow this time around, but overall everything here sounds right in its place. If this get any more mellow, this music just drop from "melodic heavy metal" to "hard rock", however. Needless to say, I hope the next album will get back a harder edge, at least to the level of the first album, if not more. A good listen anyway, but a very calm one. One cannot review a BMO album without mentioning the booklet - once again this is first class work: Very professional layout, all lyrics and very nice art through and through. Very unusual for independent releases, this booklet makes most label-backed releases pale in comparison.

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