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From Norway - click for more country information
Name: Thomas Olsen
Location: Oslo, Norway, Norway
Age: 35
Languages spoken: English, Norwegian
Day job: Research scientist
Instruments/bands: Used to play the guitar for many years, and a little bit of everything.
Hobbies: Lifting, running, going to metal shows, gaming, food, wine and travel.
Into metal since: 2001
Joined The Metal Crypt: August 2024
Number of reviews: 29
Favourite Genres: Black metal, pagan metal, thrash/speed metal and traditional heavy metal are probably my main favorites, though I'd listen to anything that sounds good.
Dislikes: With some exceptions I struggle with run-of-the-mill power and progressive metal, and brutal death metal.
About Thomas: I got into metal late in primary school, when a buddy showed me Metallica as we were learning to play the guitar. I quickly transitioned to Iron Maiden after seeing the Rock in Rio concert on Norwegian television, which blew me away. After that I had a long Iron Maiden phase where I pretty much only listened to them and tried to learn all their songs on the guitar. Later, I had a longer stint with prog metal than I care to admit, before going back to the traditional stuff including old-school thrash and speed metal. As I got older and my tastes matured, I got heavily into black and pagan metal, and to me Moonsorrow was the band that got me over the hump. I never looked back. I still love exploring new bands and releases with a passion though it is difficult to keep up!

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