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From Finland - click for more country information
Luxi Lahtinen
Name: Luukas "Luxi" Lahtinen
Location: Espoo, Finland, Finland
Age: 56
Languages spoken: Finnish, English, some Swedish and some German
Day job: Freelancer alcoholic
Instruments/bands: As a teenager, tried learning both drums and guitar, but unfortunately nothing came out from those hobbies. Talk 'bout pure lack of patience and talent, eh?
Hobbies: Sports of many kind, doing demo/album reviews and interviewing bands, traveling around and seeing the world as much as possible. Enjoying life in general the best I can (as life's too short).
Into metal since: 1978
Joined The Metal Crypt: October 2011
Number of reviews: 1447
Number of interviews: 560
Number of editorials: 41
Favourite Genres: NWOBHM,Traditional Heavy Rock/Metal,Thrash Metal, Death Metal and Black Metal mostly - in this particular order.
Dislikes: Nu-Metal, Metalcore, Mallcore, whatever-you-wanna-call it. This ugly baby has many different names, right?
About Luxi Lahtinen:

After hearing Priest's Killing Machine album at my friend's place back in 1978, there was no turning back for me from that road. It was a real turning point in my life, discovering Heavy Metal for the first time.

Been there ever since - and will be on it 'til the end of my road for sure... Plus, I am a HUGE Slayer fan/collector... And that's all. Sorry for disappointing you to not write a novel about myself, as I have no talent or patience to write books.

Contact Luxi Lahtinen

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