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Review: Secrets of the Moon - Antithesis
Secrets of the Moon

Label: Lupus Lounge
Year released: 2006
Duration: 58:38
Tracks: 9
Genre: Black Metal


Review online: June 20, 2007
Reviewed by: Sargon the Terrible
Readers' Rating
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Rated 4.2/5 (84%) (15 Votes)

This band gets some reverential press, but I can't for the life of me see anything that great about them. Secrets Of The Moon play a stripped-down sort of post-black metal, a bit like the more recent Mayhem and Satyricon releases. I have to say it's okay, but this band does not have any really great riffs or musical ideas that I have not heard before this. The riffs are pretty basic with a punky kind of raw sound, rather than the kind of raw I expect from Black Metal. The drumming is pretty lame, and not produced that well. The vocals are a surprisingly intelligible rasp that nevertheless gets really tiresome after a few songs, as it always sounds the same, on every song. The guitar tone is round and unexciting, with no bite to it, and I guess overall that's my major beef with this whole album: it tries, but it has no teeth.

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