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Review: Necromaniac - Sciomancy, Malediction & Rites Abominable
Sciomancy, Malediction & Rites Abominable

Label: Invictus Productions
Year released: 2025
Duration: 48:39
Tracks: 9
Genre: Black/Death


Review online: January 12, 2025
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.83/5 (76.67%) (6 Votes)

I've been listening to this album for a while, and it just doesn't get old. Sciomancy, Malediction & Rites Abominable is chock-full of thrashing, unrelenting blackened death metal. The raspy vocals are not too forward and add some creepiness to the often evil-sounding atmosphere, the kind of stuff that will keep the uninitiated at bay. Despite a lot of speed and some out-of-control mayhem (in a good way), there's kind of an epic vibe that pops up on occasion, making this sound larger than life at times. Throw in some creepy, occult-sounding effects here and there, not without reminding me of some bone-chilling suspenseful horror movies (think witchcraft or ghost type of stuff), and there's a lot to like here. Simply put, the music is largely what the band and album name would make you think of, but on top of that we get treated to some parts that are just good old blasting blackened death. There's a lot going on here, and repeated listens tend to reveal things you missed earlier. Nicely done.

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