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Review: Cryptworm - Oozing Radioactive Vomition
Oozing Radioactive Vomition

Label: Pulverised Records
Year released: 2023
Duration: 34:57
Tracks: 6
Genre: Death Metal


Review online: January 16, 2024
Reviewed by: Gruesome Sean
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Rated 3.6/5 (72%) (5 Votes)

The British death metal scene has kind of exploded in the last decade or less with all sorts of new bands emerging from the gore soaked underground, ready to unleash their assault of aural deformity. Among bands like Vacuous, Coffin Mulch and Celestial Sanctuary and, perhaps the most putrid of all, Bristol, England's Cryptworm and their latest output Oozing Radioactive Vomition.

These guys may be the new top purveyors of absolutely disgusting, groove-laden puke covered death metal. Right off the bat the title track comes crashing in with riffing not completely unlike Finnish heavyweights Demilich, but a touch more bludgeoning in general. Right away it's noticeable how clear this production is. That being said, it doesn't take away from the overall heaviness or brutality. It actually enhances it, and this shit really sounds crushing.

This trio mixes tons of groove in the riffing with some darker atmosphere when it really slows down. It's not unlike a cool marriage of Autopsy and Symphonies-era Carcass in spots, but chugs harder. As for the drums, they have a real organic sound to me. The bass drum really comes in with a killer low thud. The mix of that crushing sound with the huge bass guitar sound really makes this album so fucking heavy.

The vocals of Tibor Hanyi are a real highlight for me on this album. His ultra-guttural output is fucking wild. To me, it brings forth memories of bands like Rottrevore and a tiny bit of the aforementioned Demilich. Among the ultra-low stuff, you get the odd one which can only be described as a raspy last gasp at air before death comes.

Cryptworm are a band that has kind of flown under the radar on me over the last couple years, but no more. Now that I've picked up Oozing Radioactive Vomition, I need to hear the rest of their discography. One of my top missions in life is to fill my ears holes with death metal's most odious and decrepit sounds. If you share such a mission, then listen to Cryptworm. They will fulfill your desire for the most disgusting, flesh dripping sonic assault you may or may not be able to handle.

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