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Review: Various Artists - No Future, No Past - Finnish Speed & Thrash Metal Explosion 1986-1992
Various Artists
No Future, No Past - Finnish Speed & Thrash Metal Explosion 1986-1992

Label: Svart Records
Year released: 2023
Duration: 1:19:42
Tracks: 18
Genre: Speed/Thrash


Review online: January 3, 2024
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
Readers' Rating
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Rated 4.4/5 (88%) (5 Votes)

A lot of "retro thrash" has been thrown at us for the past several years, for better or worse. This compilation can be a bit of a saviour for those who cannot stand newer bands playing it old school, since these are all tracks from 1986 to 1992 by Finnish speed and thrash metal bands, many of which are probably unknown to most. Eighteen tracks for a total of 80 minutes, it better be good, or it'll be a drag. Good news, this compilation kills. The list is very well curated, as despite the fact that there are 18 bands here, some of them sounding similar and others not so much, I found that the whole thing flows very well and there was never a moment where I felt like a song sounded out of place on this album. The thrash here is nonetheless all over the place, with largely European and American influences—mostly the usual suspects, with some bands coming off more original than others (some of them didn't make me think of any other thrash band of the time), and some getting close to the line of early death metal by playing it more brutal and with more extreme vocals, though still with a foot firmly set in thrash territory. Any fan of old-school thrash is bound to find something to like—and dig deeper into—in this compilation.

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