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Review: and Oceans - As in Gardens, So in Tombs
and Oceans
As in Gardens, So in Tombs

Label: Season of Mist
Year released: 2023
Duration: 50:10
Tracks: 10
Genre: Black Metal


Review online: March 4, 2023
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
Readers' Rating
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Rated 4.2/5 (84%) (5 Votes)

Well, look who's back so soon. After disappearing for some 18 years, ...and Oceans are back with a second album in less than three years. I really liked Cosmic World Mother, and this is not too far behind. As in Gardens, So in Tombs (they're good at weird album names) is more gloomy and doomy, hell, let's just say depressive, with a few songs that are kind of downers while still being beautiful pieces of art in their own way. Here we get ominous, keyboard-heavy black metal with a full, wall-to-wall busy, heavy and fast music and slower, melancholic and arguably heavier, sorrowful music. The also tend to get into epic territory at times (my favourite parts—I dare you to stand still when that comes up). I'm not quite sold on the mix of styles at play here. They might work better with a full album in each style; it's a little distracting. I've found that the album doesn't work all that well as background music simply because the compositions ooze so much power that they draw you in and beg for attention, so this is an album that's better digested just kicking back and giving it your full attention. Glad to see ...and Oceans seemingly on the path to regular releases again.

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