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Review: Otargos - Fleshborer Soulflayer
Fleshborer Soulflayer

Label: XenoKorp
Year released: 2021
Duration: 35:06
Tracks: 10
Genre: Black Metal


Review online: November 29, 2021
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
Readers' Rating
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Rated 4.14/5 (82.86%) (7 Votes)

It’s that time again, I have to review an album I really like and eventually get it off the playlist to leave room for other albums. I’ve been stalling on this review for weeks exactly because of that.. After an excellent live album released earlier this year, Otargos are back with their first studio album in six years. It most certainly was worth the wait. 2015’s Xeno Chaos was really good, but this is a notch or two above with even more raw and brutal songs wrapped in a malevolent atmosphere that grabs you from the beginning and just won’t let go. It’s very much in the vein of what the band has been doing all these years, but they’re simply getting better at it at all levels. The vocals are kind of growly rasps that are surprisingly decipherable here and there, but that doesn’t prevent them from being as nightmare-inducing as they’ve always been. Fleshborer Soulflayer is a mix of slow and creepy black metal and more in-your-face, fast black metal and no matter what speed they’re playing, the album is dark as fuck yet surprisingly catchy and entertaining. Albums of the genre don’t often get this memorable after they’re over, but Otargos know how to drill their songs into your mind and leave their print behind. This band is definitely way up the ladder as far as French black metal bands go.

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