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Review: Satan's Host - Pre-dating God - Part 1 & 2
Satan's Host
Pre-dating God - Part 1 & 2

Label: Moribund Records
Year released: 2015
Duration: 80:28
Tracks: 13
Genre: Heavy Metal


Review online: March 8, 2015
Reviewed by: Luxi Lahtinen
Readers' Rating
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Rated 4.81/5 (96.15%) (26 Votes)

Only on very rare occasions do I get as excited about music as I did with Denver, Colorado-based Satan's Host's gigantic new opus, cleverly titled cleverly Pre-dating God - Part 1 & 2, which marks the band's 9th (and 10th) studio album(s).

This is a monstrous double album from this magnificently creative Metal act and is courtesy of the band's true soul and (evil) spirit, guitarist Patrick 'Evil' Elkins. The man has always crafted totally killer compositions for Satan's Host. In my sincere opinion, this time he has really outdone himself on both parts of Pre-dating God.

Ever since vocalist Harry "Tyrant" Conklin, aka Leviathan Thisiren, returned to Satan's Host (he left the band to join Jag Panzer in 1986) in 2011 to record his vocals for Satan's Host's 7th album, By the Hands of the Devil, things have been favorable, both creatively and successfully.

Pre-dating God is the ambitious culmination of the band's entire history. They have managed to maintain their underground Metal sound on this new opus of satanic verses and avoid kissing the mainstream's big and commercial butt. Harry has probably given his most ambitious effort on this album and uses his entire vocal range as effectively as possible while his band mate Patrick, as I said earlier, has enjoyed a very creative period in his life while putting the songs together for this record. Pre-dating God - Part 1 & 2 is packed with Patrick's sharp, epic melodies, catchy riffing and all the other sweet elements that make this album a mandatory purchase for every self-respecting Metal fan. As has been the case with every prior Satan's Host album, Pre-dating God - Part 1 & 2 has this ominous and evil aura around it making the album sound dangerous, but in a good way.

Trying to underline some highlight tracks off this album is unnecessary as they work best as a coherent whole and this makes Pre-dating God - Part 1 & 2 one of the most significant albums released in the recent history of Heavy Metal. I am 100% positive that the Satan's Host camp is well aware that they have accomplished their finest work to date. You can always reinforce that by buying this record. By doing so, you not only support the band but also the real underground movement. A very essential album for 2015.

More about Satan's Host...
Review: Burning the Born Again... (a New Philosophy) (reviewed by Pagan Shadow)
Review: By the Hands of the Devil (reviewed by Sargon the Terrible)
Review: Metal From Hell (reviewed by Hermer Arroyo)
Review: Power ˜ Purity ˜ Perfection...999 (reviewed by Michel Renaud)
Review: This Legacy Will Never Die (reviewed by Luxi Lahtinen)
Review: Virgin Sails (reviewed by MetalMike)
Review: Virgin Sails (reviewed by Sargon the Terrible)
Interview with Eli Elixir (vocals) on October 15, 2009 (Interviewed by Michel Renaud)
Interview with guitarist Patrick Evil and drummer Anthony Evil Hobbit on July 17, 2012 (Interviewed by Luxi Lahtinen)
Interview with guitarist Patrick Evil and drummer Anthony Lopez on March 14, 2015 (Interviewed by Luxi Lahtinen)
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