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Review: Vanir - The Glorious Dead
The Glorious Dead

Label: Mighty Music
Year released: 2014
Duration: 48:08
Tracks: 9
Genre: Black/Death


Review online: January 5, 2015
Reviewed by: Luxi Lahtinen
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Rated 3.75/5 (75%) (4 Votes)

Vikings are still among us; just look around and count all those Viking Metal bands around these days. Yes, I heard you but try to remember Amon Amarth isn't alone on the Viking throne. There are a bunch of other Vikings also trying to usurp the same throne.

Denmark's Vanir are one of the countless Metal acts propagating Viking themes. In fact, they have been doing it since (let me check!) eh, since 2009, so not for that long yet. Despite only strengthening their forces for the last 4-5 years, Vanir have managed to trumpet their blackened Viking/Death Metal from their longships effectively, with The Glorious Dead being their third full-length studio album. Quite impressive, I would say.

The Glorious Dead offers nine cuts of pompous, muscular, powerful and meaty Viking/Death Metal with some tiny nuances of Black Metal. I was amazed by this sextet's ability to create such power stuff that gets under one's skin so effortlessly. Melody and catchiness aren't completely unknown elements for Vanir either, as the album is full of strong melody lines that take a listener's mind away from this reality when they hit you like a lethal rain of a thousand descending arrows. The use of catchy choruses and tasteful tempos are prime assets of their songs and move them forward like a north wind that blows strong on the sails of the band's victorious longship. Sara Odershede's Scottish bagpipes add a welcome twist to their powerful battle hymns making their journey to virginal shores even more victorious.

The album invites you to join the brutal Viking battle. For them, ultimate victory is the only goal. Don't hesitate; join them now!

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