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Review: Visigoth - The Revenant King
The Revenant King

Label: Metal Blade Records
Year released: 2015
Duration: 1:00:30
Tracks: 9
Genre: Heavy Metal


Review online: December 20, 2014
Reviewed by: MetalMike
Readers' Rating
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Rated 4.35/5 (86.96%) (23 Votes)

I have been following Salt Lake City, Utah's Visigoth since I first stumbled upon their debut demo, Vengeance, while browsing Metal-Archives back in 2010. I have since watched the band take a sharp, upward trajectory that culminated in a record deal with legendary label Metal Blade Records and now the release of the band's debut full-length, The Revenant King. It is obvious from the first notes of "The Revenant King," the album's opener and title track, that signing with a major label has done nothing to dampen the fire and energy of Visigoth.

"The Revenant King," along with closer "From the Arcane Mists of Prophecy," is a mid-tempo powerhouse of big riffs and a bigger atmosphere that may not be immediately accessible is no less captivating. Don't get complacent, though, because you'll get steamrolled by track two, "Dungeon Master" which picks up the pace while it evokes fond memories for anyone who participated in a fantasy role-playing game at one point or another. This song, along with "Creature of Desire," (originally on the Final Spell EP and re-recorded here) represents the best of Visigoth from my opinion; fast, loud, fist-pumping Heavy Fucking Metal with a great chorus you can't help but sing and lead guitar work that will blow you away. The Revenant King also gives updates to a couple of tracks from the Vengeance demo, "Vengeance" and a slower version of "Iron Brotherhood." "Iron Brotherhood" is no less engaging this time around despite a more modest tempo and you'll be "raising your fist beside your brother" in no time. The newer material is just as strong and culminates with the superlative "Blood Sacrifice." I can't get the chorus out of my head and every time it comes on, the air guitar comes out (inconvenient when I'm in the car). If all this weren't enough, there's a cover of Manilla Road's "Necropolis" here, too.

Visigoth pay respect to classic Heavy/Traditional/Epic bands like Iron Maiden, Manilla Road, Cirith Ungol and Metal Church as well as newer acts like Atlantean Kodex but don't emulate them. They have forged their own sound and have displayed songwriting acumen far in advance of what you might expect from a band this young. The Revenant King is a triumph and a sweet payoff for both the band and the fans that have been followed them. I haven't even finalized my 2014 "best of" list and I already have one for 2015. Highly Recommended.

More about Visigoth...
Review: Conqueror's Oath (reviewed by Bruno Medeiros)
Review: Conqueror's Oath (reviewed by MetalMike)
Review: Final Spell (reviewed by MetalMike)
Review: Vengeance (reviewed by MetalMike)
Interview with Jake Rogers (vocals) and Leeland Campana (lead guitar) on March 7, 2011 (Interviewed by MetalMike)
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