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Review: Atra Vetosus - Voices from the Eternal Night
Atra Vetosus
Voices from the Eternal Night

Label: Immortal Frost Productions
Year released: 2013
Duration: 50:12
Tracks: 8
Genre: Black Metal


Review online: May 9, 2013
Reviewed by: Sargon the Terrible
Readers' Rating
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Rated 1.86/5 (37.14%) (7 Votes)

Debut full-length for this Aussie band whose demo I reviewed about a year back. I remember them as being rather generic but with a lot of conviction and energy, so I was looking forward to seeing what they could do now. I had high hopes, but this remains pretty middle of the road. The vocals are mixed too loud on this, and are of a higher, screamier type I don't like as well. The compositions are ambitious but kind of shapeless, without any really strong musical ideas to sustain them. The melodic and acoustic interludes are very well handled, and there is even some clean singing here and there - well handled, if unneeded. This remains a promising band with good production values and a knack for riffs, but now they have the basics down and need to master the art of songwriting, find something to really say, and some way to stand out from the crowd.

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