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Review: Voyager - The Meaning of I
The Meaning of I

Label: Sensory Records
Year released: 2011
Duration: 52:33
Tracks: 13
Genre: Progressive Power Metal


Review online: January 31, 2012
Reviewed by: MetalMike
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.92/5 (78.33%) (12 Votes)

Fantastic Progressive Power Metal is on offer from Voyager on their 2011 album The Meaning of I. Keyboards and guitars share equal space and the production gives each plenty of room to shine. Singer Danny Estrin possesses a strong, clear and emotive voice that brings the introspective lyrics to life. Some Progressive Metal is so concerned with the technical side of things it goes over my head but The Meaning of I is extremely catchy and melodic without becoming simple Power Metal. I was singing along to "Momentary Relapse" and "Seize the Day" right from the start. And choruses don't get any bigger or more infectious that "Iron Dream." This song is dedicated to the late Type O Negative front man Pete Steele but it couldn't sound more different from the work of the man it honors.

The band members list some very diverse influences on their website but they've brought them together in a tight, cohesive album that is a pleasure to hear. It isn't the most technical album you'll ever hear but Power and Progressive fans should not miss The Meaning of I.

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