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Review: Voice - Soulhunter

Label: AFM Records
Year released: 2003
Duration: 44:51
Tracks: 9
Genre: Power Metal


Review online: September 13, 2010
Reviewed by: Bruce Dragonchaser
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.71/5 (74.29%) (7 Votes)

After the almost excellent Golden Signs, German Power Metallers Voice took a somewhat less exciting approach with their fourth and last album to date, an album that shines in places but disappoints mostly, and that's only because the two albums that preceded it were superlative in their execution. First, let me tell you the good stuff. Those great guitar melodies that were all over the icy Trapped In Anguish appear on Soulhunter in all their glory, some of them being among the best the band would ever write. Oliver Glas is also on fire here, his voice as powerful and fine as on their last record, sounding full of spirit. Song wise, there are some choice moments, with "Devilish Temptation" being a fast, double-kicked headbanger with a belting chorus only this lot could write: big and epic but still metal enough to give your neck a good sprain. "Firedevil" is another gem, bursting with a riff that could have been on Chinchilla's The Last Millennium and a chorus that, again, will have you banging your head.

But generally, the album is protracted, with the songs dragging on for too long without expanding their initial ideas. There aren't redeeming features for every track either, like with their older works, meaning some songs are just there, causing no damage. The production is also a little weak, particularly on the drums, though the playing is nice and simple, without too much double pedal work getting in the way. Being a bit older than most bands of this ilk, there is a certain wisdom to Voice, but at times they do sound tired and strained. Saying that, there are worst albums out there, and at least you get the chance to play "Devilish Temptation" over and over.

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