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Review: Vörgus - Hellfueled Satanic Action
Hellfueled Satanic Action

Label: Inferno Records
Year released: 2009
Duration: 34:29
Tracks: 10
Genre: Black/Thrash


Review online: December 13, 2009
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
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Rated 3.5/5 (70%) (8 Votes)

Unholy mother of fuck… I just love this kind of album – short and to the point, filler-free and kick ass from beginning to end. Vorgüs play blackened Thrash with a few hints of more "traditional" Heavy Metal, ranging from somewhat slow to mid-paced, to high speed machine gun-style attacks of fast war-like, Satanic Black/Thrash. The best songs on the albums are the fast ones; they simply destroy and there's no way one can listen to those without either headbanging or raising their fist in the air – preferably both. The vocals are of course the expected Thrash vocals sung with a hint of a BM rasp – very raw style that's pretty much mandatory for the equally raw and no-frills approach to the music. They have a rather old school style of riffage and the sound to go with it, and listening to this album one can't help but think of the mid to late 80s more extreme Thrash bands out there – the ones that never got the spotlight the "cleaner" bands enjoyed.

The raw approach to the playing doesn't prevent the guys from throwing in a few bits of less "in your face" material, throwing in a few more melodic (but aggressive) parts here and there, and catchiness is at the rendezvous on almost every track here – you can't walk away from this without the chorus to "Hell Hell Satanas" getting stuck in your head. Hellfueled Satanic Action sounds both evil and fun at the same time and doesn't overstay its welcome. Definitely worth checking out.

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