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Review: Vore - Lord Of Storms
Lord Of Storms

Label: Independent
Year released: 2001
Duration: 50:32
Tracks: 10
Genre: Death Metal


Review online: January 15, 2002
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.75/5 (75%) (12 Votes)

Vore is a Death Metal band from Arkansas. The vocals are sometimes a bit too guttural for my taste but I’ve heard much worse. Things are better musically however. The band favors heavy, crunching guitars rather than partaking in a speed contest. I find it a bit hard to compare them to other bands, but I guess I could say they are somewhere between Immolation and The Chasm, with maybe a bit of AJFA-era Metallica (beat-wise on a song or two) as far as the sound goes. I particularly like the guitars, some riffs are a bit catchy and there are a couple of solos that stand out as well. While I don’t hear much here that I haven’t heard before, this is quite a good album to listen to. There is one song that’s nearly 10 minutes in length and is all acoustic... That’s the downside in my opinion. This kind of track is Ok if it doesn’t exceed one minute, but past that, it’s overdoing it. I’m not too sure what the band was trying to do here. I found myself skipping over it most of the time, depending on my mood (or whether or not I was near the CD player - hehe. ;))

Overall, above average DM with very few shortcomings, and getting rid of the 10 minutes song mentionned above would be an improvement as far as I’m concerned. Recommended for those who like their Death Metal heavy and slow to mid-paced.

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