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Review: Virulence - A Conflict Scenario
A Conflict Scenario

Label: Morbid Records
Year released: 2001
Duration: 26:49
Tracks: 8
Genre: Death Metal


Review online: September 13, 2001
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
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Rated 3.25/5 (65%) (8 Votes)

It took me a few listens to start appreciating this release. Boston's Virulence mixes a lot of stuff in their songs and the result is kind of hard to stomach for this listener. Imagine a mix of death, grind, hardcore with some hints of jazz thrown into the mix. Now take into account that I'm really not into grind, hardcore and jazz, so this one really didn't sound good to me at first!

One thing I really can't stand on this album is the vocals. Varying from grind/hardcore screams (annoying!) to unconvincing death metal growls, I'm definitely not impressed by the vocal work on this - in fact I almost wish this was an instrumental release. Other than the growls, the vocalist does a good job but I just can't stand this near-rap screaming. End of rant.

Where this album gets interesting is in the music itself. Lots of influences for different musical styles here, and the very frequent and abrupt style changes are very disconcerting on the first few listens. Imagine switching from brutal death to jazz-influenced melodies in a split-second. This is the kind of thing you can hear a lot in the near 27 minutes duration of this album.

While this is definitely not something that appeals to me, I have to say that this band does not lack in originality - and this is not boring at all, with all the tempo and style changes going on all the time. Personally I won't be playing this again but it is an interesting listening experience. If you're into experimental stuff like this, give it a try.

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