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Review: Vordr - III

Label: Nykta Records
Year released: 2008
Duration: 40:01
Tracks: 14
Genre: Black Metal


Review online: March 9, 2008
Reviewed by: Nicholas Lazarus
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Rated 3/5 (60%) (4 Votes)

Vordr sounds like the mutant bastard child of a raw as fuck punk band with some pseudo-thrash leanings, and a unholier-than-thou Black Metal band that recently awakened from a thousand year's slumber in the darkest corner of Lucifer's infernal domain. Seriously, this band is fucking evil. Of course, depending on how you view the asylum-worthy vocals. I'm on the fence personally. I could say they sound like some bat-shit basketcase falling through a bottomless chasm. Or I could say it sounds like a child stuck in a well. Then again, it works either way, because if it's a child stuck in a well, it's a possessed child. I find the music surprisingly listenable, despite the overt harshness of it all. The guitar tone is just big and ugly. There's occasional usage of punk riffs that come off sounding surprisingly evil - not exactly my cup of tea, but it sure as hell puts the Misfits to shame. The vocals seem to have two effects on them: reverb and a heaping helping of crazy. The drums again show some punk attitude, but mostly are somewhat standard mid-paced Black Metal drums. There's no keyboards, soft passages, softer vocals, interludes or what have you. Just feedback, riffs, drums, and vocals. And last but not least - rock bottom low-fi production. One of the rawest production jobs I've heard in a good while. Take that as you will. It's easy to get the impression that this was recorded in some remote, colorless place. Where the band lets loose their angst... and dementia. I think it's sufficient to deem this "listenable". I can tolerate listening to it. But I can tolerate a lot of things that I don't necessarily enjoy. I suppose after all my remarks of it being extremely evil, one would expect me to praise it up and down. Because, after all, that is what most Black Metal is aiming for. This just isn't my style though, but if it happens to be yours - by all means, check it out.

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