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Review: Visions Of Atlantis - Cast Away
Visions Of Atlantis
Cast Away

Label: Napalm Records
Year released: 2004
Duration: 40:39
Tracks: 9
Genre: Symphonic Metal


Review online: December 25, 2005
Reviewed by: Sargon the Terrible
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.44/5 (68.89%) (9 Votes)

Considering how unimpressed I was with this band's debut, and how thoroughly Requiem savaged this one, I was in no rush to hear this. More fool I. This is the second full-length from this Austrian band, and a major leap forwards.

Lest it needs to be said: Visions Of Atlantis sound nothing like Evanesence at all. Nor do they really sound like Edenbridge, and I can only assume a total unfamiliarity with Nightwish's early works would be responsible for anyone claiming either one. VoA sound almost exactly like Nightwish did on their debut, with two major exceptions: their male singer is way better than Tuomas' efforts at same, and this is a more consistently strong album than "Angels Fall First". The sound is so incredibly similar that I can only assume this band is trying their utmost to sound like Nightwish, as only someone ingesting quality hallucinogens could miss the almost point-for-point matchup. From the keyboard sounds, to the guitar tone, the bouncy melodies and the swishy fantasy themes, this is like a band decided to rerecord "Angels Fall First", only better. "Cast Away" is consistently entertaining all the way through, and the melodies and songwriting remain strong even on the slower tunes. But highlights such as "Send Me A Light", the title cut, and the show stopper "Lemuria" will keep you coming back.

Fans of the exclusively aggressive and grim need not apply. But those who like keyboardy, girl-fronted Power Metal strongly in the vein of old Nightwish shouldn't pass this one by. A solid, enjoyable album from a young band who just got a lot more promising.

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