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Review: Vore - Dead King's Eyes
Dead King's Eyes

Label: Frozen Solid Music
Year released: 1997
Duration: 26:39
Tracks: 6
Genre: Death Metal


Review online: September 25, 2005
Reviewed by: Sargon the Terrible
Readers' Rating
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Rated 2.36/5 (47.27%) (11 Votes)

Well, this is probably the only time I will ever review an album recorded less than half an hour from my house. Vore are a long-running DM band from Arkansas, but they tracked this in Bixby, Oklahoma, right down the road from me. I had heard generally good things about Vore, so when I ran across this used I snapped it up. Turns out to be signed too, so extra cool there.

Vore play very retro US Death Metal with a general feel reminiscent of Obituary or other old-school Death Metal. The production is raw, but decent, and the vocals are more of the older Death school, where you can actually understand the words. The vocalist also does that John Tardy thing, where he goes "Eeeeeuuuuuhhhhhhhh" really low. So that's cool. This is a fun disc, and despite the stripped-down style Vore thug out some good riffs and keep things energetic and mean. "Albion" is an all-acoustic track that is very well-done, but it kind of breaks the mood of the CD.

The cover art it really horrible, though I have seen worse, and the lyrics are pretty cool. So overall this EP is a good grab, if it is even available anymore, which I doubt. But still, it means the forthcoming new album from these dudes, "Maleficus", will be worth looking for.

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