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Review: Varathron - Crowsreign

Label: Black Lotus Records
Year released: 2004
Duration: 64:44
Tracks: 11
Genre: Black Metal


Review online: March 31, 2005
Reviewed by: Sargon the Terrible
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.27/5 (65.33%) (15 Votes)

I just can't get into this. Varathron are a Greek Black/Death band who have been around a while and released three albums, along with the usual BM slurry of singles, demos, EPs and splits. I've heard very good things about this band, but I am gathering (or hoping) they were not talking about this album, as it is just plain unremarkable.

Forget the bad album art, forget the silly lounge-music intro (Evil Gets An Upgrade? What? Like Microsoft Evil XP?) with the guy moaning "There is no god" for like 3 minutes. Ignore all that, and just listen to this. This is not a bad disc of derivative keyboardy Black Metal with Death vocals, but it is exactly what I just said – a not bad disc of derivative BM. Nothing more. Some of the riffs are pretty cool, but overall there is a huge 'heard this song before' feel to this CD. The whole overlong disc just blurs past, and there is nothing at all memorable about any of it. For background music Varathron are OK, and there is nothing irritating about this album, but with so many finer bands out there, I can see no compelling reason to recommend this.

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