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Review: Goat Semen - Ego Svm Satana
Goat Semen
Ego Svm Satana

Label: Hells Headbangers Records
Year released: 2015
Duration: 39:04
Tracks: 9
Genre: Black/Death


Review online: July 26, 2024
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
Readers' Rating
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Rated 4/5 (80%) (3 Votes)

When I reviewed the Fuck Christ EP a few weeks ago, I noticed that I had this promo that had slipped through the cracks, like so many others. This is a chaotic slab of insane blackened death that sounds like you're tumbling down the earth's entrails on your journey to hell. There are some minor sound effects that had a lot of depth to the satanic vibe, pretty much guaranteed to unsettle the unsuspecting masses within earshot when this music is playing. This is not the kind of album with catchy music or vocal lines, it's a massive aural assault of no-frills blackened death metal with some hints of war metal but also an occasional nod to the first wave of black metal (those "bands that couldn't play their instruments"). It's unruly, it's messy, and you won't like it if you're a perfectionist who is into polished recordings. If you're looking for something to let off some steam by way of an assault on your eardrums, this is it right here. Cool stuff.

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Review: Fuck Christ (reviewed by Michel Renaud)
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