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Review: Emerald Eye - Night Without Day
Emerald Eye
Night Without Day

Label: Stormspell Records
Year released: 2024
Duration: 39:41
Tracks: 7
Genre: Heavy/Power Metal


Review online: July 14, 2024
Reviewed by: MetalMike
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.33/5 (66.67%) (3 Votes)

Emerald Eye is a relatively new band (formed in 2019) out of Kansas City, Missouri that is releasing their debut album, Night Without Day, via Stormspell Records. That would suggest power metal is the genre, and that isn't far off the mark, though Emerald Eye's sound is more of a heavy/power metal blend. Some songs have an occult vibe to the catchy riffs and wild vocals ("Winged Woman") like Lizzy Borden, while others have just a hint of the funk metal groove in the vocal lines of late '80s acts like Ignorance or Mordred ("Feast and Famine"). There's an overall eclecticism to the album, a touch of weirdness like Legendry or even Cirith Ungol, so Night Without Day is not your average power or heavy/power album. The songwriting isn't as catchy as it could be (not many specifics of the album stick around once it ends), but it doesn't really sound like anything else, which is a plus. Check it out if you're looking for something just a little bit different.

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