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Review: Vargrav - The Nighthold
The Nighthold

Label: Werewolf Records
Year released: 2023
Duration: 59:28
Tracks: 12
Genre: Black Metal


Review online: December 21, 2023
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
Readers' Rating
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Rated 4.25/5 (85%) (4 Votes)

More symphonic black metal from Vargrav and, just like the earlier maxi-single this year, it takes me way back. Harsh raspy vocals, somewhat refined black metal that's well balanced between fast and mid-paced, and a very generous but tasteful use of keyboards that almost feel predominant, adding that grandiose vibe to the music like pioneering bands like Emperor and Limbonic Art did back in the '90s and 2000s—if you like those bands, chances are pretty good you'll find something to like here. It's easy to be consumed or at least distracted by the keyboards, but there's some good raw guitar riffage to be found here as long if you pay close enough attention. There's a brutality and savagery hidden in there that reveals itself bit by bit the more you listen to it, making for worthy repeat plays. Here's hoping Vargrav have more goodies in stock for us in the near future.

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