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Review: Vidres A La Sang - Fragments de l'esdevenir
Vidres A La Sang
Fragments de l'esdevenir

Label: Abstract Emotions
Year released: 2022
Duration: 34:42
Tracks: 5
Genre: Black/Death


Review online: July 5, 2022
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
Readers' Rating
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Rated 4/5 (80%) (4 Votes)

It had been a while since I heard about this band, which has some weird album and song names with what looks like French words but not quite. That is apparently the Catalan language. It’s been so long that I had forgotten about this little detail. The band plays a good blend of deathy black metal that will certainly sound extreme to the uninitiated, but for the genre it’s a rather "quiet" affair than relies more on atmosphere than on making your speakers crumble. It’s very dark, not super depressive though they certainly seem to be aiming for that in terms of subject matter. I find it’s a good listen on a rainy day when you don’t feel like doing anything and just kick back and relax and just let the music sink in. The album is quite varied, with lots of dark melodies, some fast parts and quite a bit of slow, moodier bits. If you’re looking for black/death that destroys everything in its path, this is not it, but for a more immersive experience that includes a little extreme, Fragments de l’esdevenir is bound to fit the bill.

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Review: Vidres A La Sang (reviewed by Michel Renaud)
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