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Review: Vrexiza - Vrexiza

Label: Signal Rex
Year released: 2021
Duration: 21:25
Tracks: 4
Genre: Black Metal


Review online: November 16, 2021
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
Readers' Rating
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Rated 4/5 (80%) (3 Votes)

This black metal band from Toronto, Canada, may not be reinventing the wheel, but they know how to deliver the goods. This is heavy, fast-paced black metal very much reminiscent of Scandinavian bands in the second half of the '90s and there are even hints of French black metal when that scene was at its peak. This is an EP, so it's short, but in that limited time the band manage to kick the listener's ass and no doubt the aficionados will be begging for more of that punishment. Raw yet kind of clean, razor-sharp guitars are front and centre and the vocals—apparently by three different members—are exactly what you expect from the genre. Vrexiza also venture a but into slower and more melodic territory, but it's nonetheless crushing and menacing. Again, nothing really new here, but when it's done this well, I really don't care. For a label to release your demo, it has to be good and Vrexiza is exactly that.

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