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Review: Violent Definition - Life Sentence
Violent Definition
Life Sentence

Label: Thrashing Cult Records
Year released: 2019
Originally released in: 2018
Duration: 49:24
Tracks: 16
Genre: Thrash Metal


Review online: March 4, 2021
Reviewed by: Luxi Lahtinen
Readers' Rating
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Rated 4/5 (80%) (10 Votes)

Greece has become the biggest hotspot for Thrash in Europe in recent years, and Violent Definition are another fine example of why that is. Initially released in 2018, their debut album Life Sentence shows a band that's deeply in love with Bay Area acts like Exodus and Death Angel working to make some Bay Area Thrash of their own, albeit faster than is common in the style. There's really not much more to say about this band, they just do what they do with the speed and aggression of a blood-soaked gladiator fighting for his life in an arena, and every song on here is a solid hunk of Thrash fit for smashing your head through a brick wall as it blares out of the speaker with intensity and rage to spare.

The version of the album I have was released in Asia in 2019 and contains a few bonus tracks taken from their 2-song demo from 2010 along with some rehearsal tracks. These songs aren't very interesting and don't add much value, with the only real standout among them being a piss poor cover of Judas Priest's "Rapid Fire", so I wouldn't go out of your way to get this version specifically. Generally speaking, however, this is a solid release that's sure to please anyone with a love for Thrash Metal.

More about Violent Definition...
Interview with vocalist George B "IronBeast" and guitarist Nick P. on March 18, 2021 (Interviewed by Luxi Lahtinen)
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