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Review: Vermineux - 1337

Label: Purity Through Fire
Year released: 2021
Duration: 50:37
Tracks: 8
Genre: Black Metal


Review online: January 11, 2021
Reviewed by: Sargon the Terrible
Readers' Rating
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Rated 4/5 (80%) (4 Votes)

This is another one of those one-man bands where everything is played by a depressed-looking guy who calls himself Spectre. This is definitely based in Black Metal, but with a heavy dose of medieval sound and atmosphere to go along with the somewhat rough recording job. The songs are long and pack in a lot of parts, ranging from acoustic picking to rather hard-assed metal with a lot of bite and ambition. The riffs are atonal and engulfing, and the overall mood is really something that draws you in. This has the sound of something that would have been released on Oakenshield back in the day, or something from the French scene at least. The echo-laden production actually fits in with the ancient vibe, as it makes this sound like something that could have been recorded in a ruined castle or a burnt-out monastery. Definitely worth a listen.

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