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Review: Veil of Conspiracy - Me, Us and Them
Veil of Conspiracy
Me, Us and Them

Label: Revalve Records
Year released: 2019
Duration: 50:30
Tracks: 10
Genre: Progressive Metal


Review online: December 14, 2019
Reviewed by: Luxi Lahtinen
Readers' Rating
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Rated 4/5 (80%) (5 Votes)

Hailing from Rome, Veil of Conspiracy play an extreme form of Progressive Metal that mixes in everything from Death, Black, Gothic, and even more Avantgarde forms on their debut, Me, Us, and Them. The songs are as demanding and complex as that would imply, but they inject an oppressive atmosphere of torment and despair into them that's about as pleasant as getting your teeth pulled. This is aided by the impressive vocal work of Chris De Marco, who goes from delicate crooning to anguished grunts that at times sound like a man being tortured. The music on here demands a lot from the listener, and it's not what I'd call an easy listen in the slightest. That said, this remains a rewarding album that will leave you wondering where the band is going next, and it's never disappointing when they get there. Recommended.

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