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Review: Valaraukar - Demonian Abyssal Visions
Demonian Abyssal Visions

Label: Iron Bonehead Productions
Year released: 2019
Duration: 42:07
Tracks: 6
Genre: Black Metal


Review online: July 3, 2019
Reviewed by: Sargon the Terrible
Readers' Rating
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Rated 4/5 (80%) (4 Votes)

Always good to see Black Metal from England, especially good Black Metal. Valaraukar (the original Quenya word for Balrog for us nerds) are not only using a band name I wanted to use, but they are playing some epic, enjoyable Black Metal. This band has only existed for a year or so, and seems to be the result of a band called NNGNN breaking up and the two members of that band forming this one.

Demonian Abyssal Visions is a heavy, melodic workout in bleak soundscapes. They got a great sound, with a thick guitar tone and a loud low end that's all mixed into a wall of chaotic sound. It's not a million miles removed from stuff like Nightbringer, with a lot of epic flourishes to the compositions and a lot of space in the echoing mix. The vocals are a hollow bellow that verges on being understandable, and together it all creates a propulsive and satisfying listen. This manages to be melodic without sounding weak, and heavy without losing that cold, atonal edge Black Metal should have. Worthy.

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