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Review: Veonity - Legend of the Starborn
Legend of the Starborn

Label: Sliptrick Records
Year released: 2018
Duration: 1:13:05
Tracks: 14
Genre: Power Metal


Review online: January 12, 2019
Reviewed by: Bruno Medeiros
Readers' Rating
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Rated 4.4/5 (88%) (5 Votes)

Legend of the Starborn, Veonity's third endeavor to the spectacular and magical world of Power Metal, is great. So great that the 70 FUCKING MINUTES listening to it didn't make me want to kill myself. In fact, the second half of the album is almost perfect, so it was actually a joy to sit down several times and listen to every nuance each song had to offer.

While far from being unique, the record gives a fresh take on numerous song styles within the Euro Power Metal genre, from the more aggressive, Teutonic-esque tone seen in "Freedom Vikings" to the Symphonic "Warrior of the North" (easily one of the best here), and everything in between. The musical direction is similar to that of their first two albums, though, so there's a clear sense of direction and personality, factors that only add to the awesome experience.

From the fitting voice of Anders Sköld, that successfully mixes high-pitched screams with some lower tones, to the killer guitar work, this album is kicks major ass and was a no brainer in my 2018 Power Metal top list. It was actually the best album I heard all year in the genre, so go listen to it right now, because I don't know a lot of things, but I do know good Power Metal when I see one.

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