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Review: Visigoth - Conqueror's Oath
Conqueror's Oath

Label: Metal Blade Records
Year released: 2018
Duration: 42:21
Tracks: 8
Genre: Heavy Metal


Review online: February 8, 2018
Reviewed by: Bruno Medeiros
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Rated 4.35/5 (86.96%) (23 Votes)

Keeping the same lineup from the first record but changing a little bit of their songwriting style, Visigoth, I'm glad to say, will not disappoint fans of Epic Metal with their new output. Starting the album with a statement in "Steel and Silver", these dudes make sure to show from the beginning why they are one of the most beloved and respected new acts out there. Epic, grandiose and inspired, the song stays true to the album's title and conquers every metalhead's hunger for the heydays of the genre.

"Warrior Queen", first single released for the album, is definitely the song that reminds of The Revenant King the most. The Rock 'n' Roll riffing and uplifting aura dictate the track, but the already characteristic choirs led by Jake Rogers' unique voice makes for another magical journey to the epic side of Metal, not to mention the last verse and bridge, which are a show of their own.

Leaving the sword and sorcery behind and charging full throttle to the jugular comes "Outlive Them All", a fast-paced onslaught and one of the best songs of Visigoth's career. This will make you want to smash your head into a wall, drink your own blood dripping from your face and then kill all your enemies in a berserk rage; it's sheer bliss.

"Hammerforged" and "Traitor's Gate" consolidate that small but noticeable change of sound from a Doom-ish atmosphere to a more (US) Power Metal one. The first one is a fist-pumping, headbanging hymn with yet another beautiful performance on the chorus, while "Traitor's Gate" strikes swiftly but true, with a melancholic beginning that suddenly bursts into an aggressive track that matches the lyrics perfectly.

Visigoth have managed to do what seemed almost impossible by improving their quality for Conqueror's Oath, being it lyric, songwriting, instrumental or production-wise. I rarely have goosebumps these days when listening to music, but this album flooded me with those; so believe me, brother, when I say: this album is the definition of what Metal stands for, means and is. By playing from their heart and doing what they love, these warriors from Salt Lake City, of all places, are redefining Metal for future generations by keeping the core elements of what is perceived in the genre as the purest vision of the music and adding fresh ideas – albeit not entirely original – to the mix. All hail Visigoth, conquerors of Metal.

More about Visigoth...
Review: Conqueror's Oath (reviewed by MetalMike)
Review: Final Spell (reviewed by MetalMike)
Review: The Revenant King (reviewed by MetalMike)
Review: Vengeance (reviewed by MetalMike)
Interview with Jake Rogers (vocals) and Leeland Campana (lead guitar) on March 7, 2011 (Interviewed by MetalMike)
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