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Review: Violblast - Conflict

Label: Suspiria Records
Year released: 2016
Duration: 29:54
Tracks: 9
Genre: Thrash Metal


Review online: June 18, 2017
Reviewed by: Luxi Lahtinen
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Rated 3.75/5 (75%) (8 Votes)

It's, simply said, pretty amazing how well Thrash Metal is doing these days. If you are active in searching new Thrash Metal bands from the miraculous world of the Internet, I bet you are about to find dozens of Thrash outfits every day that will grab your interest.

Spanish thrashers, Violblast, are just one of those good examples of bands that have enough potential in them and are more than worth checking out. Violblast's debut album, titled Conflict, is full of classic Thrash Metal riffs that you have obviously heard many times performed by some bands of similar Thrash-ink. One of the bands that I could mention is Slayer, which the guys in Violblast undoubtedly seem to adore quite a bit. Guitarists Sebas and Santi know how to make a great riff that sounds aggressive, ominous and just evil, ready to pierce through your head from ear-to-ear. Also, Andrés on vocals and bass seems to be a fan of Tom Araya when it comes to his vocal style. He sounds a lot like Tom without doing much of those high-pitched screams that Tom used to do so well back in his prime. I especially could make some references to Slayer's Divine Intervention and Christ Illusion albums, having this more Hardcore-Punk vibe in Violblast's own aggressive, hostile and attitude-oozing sound.

Violblast don't turn the Thrash table totally upside down on Conflict but they certainly know what it requires to make an enjoyable slab of Thrash Metal.

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